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Small Business Information
What Happened to the Money and Freedom?Ask anyone trapped in a cubical about their entrepreneurial dream and they will tell you, "I want to own my own business. I'll make more and have more time.
Small Business Security No Passing FadHow careful are you with the data you collect from your customers? How about the handling of money in your business. And passwords? What controls have you put in place to protect computer data?We don't often think about the security of our businesses, but we should.
Business Development Is Not An EventCash flow. To stay in business, you've got to keep a steady stream moving through your company.
5 Good Reasons a Self-Employed Professional Should Take VacationSo you think you're not justified in taking time away from your business because you're self-employed? Here are five great reasons why you should definitely take a vacation:1. Physical down time You work hard to grow and maintain your business.
Becoming Recession ProofA lot of business owners I've spoken with lately have commented how their business is slow because of "the recession." If you are one of these people, you might want to reconsider your position.
Youll See It When You Believe It - Growing Your Business from the Inside OutWhat unspoken message are you sending your clients and customers? Is your personal energy field projecting positive, high vibrational energy or just the opposite? The latter will cost you business--and worse, you won't even realize it. The energy I'm talking about here has been called many things, "being in flow," "in the zone," "locked on", "jazzed", "sending out good vibes," (that last one is for anyone old enough to remember the 60's).
Get Out Of The Rut And Back On the TrackDo you sometimes find yourself just going "through the motions" of your business from day to day? Has the excitement gone out of your daily routine?What happened? Remember way back when you began doing this? You were excited and enthusiastic about what you were going to do. What went wrong? Where did the excitement and enthusiasm go? More importantly, how do you get it back?Of course, this may be a signal that it is time for you to make some changes or to "move on.
Grab Your Consumers Attention in a Cluttered World of Marketing CommunicationsA cluttered world of marketing communications diminishes the ordinary. The consumer can no longer be bother with the dull, trite and a boring hodgepodge of marketing communications that are pandered in front of them every day.
Covenants Not To Compete: Another Franchise QuandaryImagine that you have operated a successful franchise business for the past several years. Your franchise agreement's term expires in the near future and you are contemplating whether renewing the agreement would be a wise business decision.
The Perilous Franchise Agreement: What Did You Sign?Purchasing a franchise has become one of the most popular avenues for individuals looking to escape the rigid work day of a 9 to 5 job and take the leap into the world of independent business owner. After all, who doesn't dream of being their own boss and controlling the limits of their own financial future? For anyone looking to act on their entrepreneurial spirit, franchising can indeed offer many attractive qualities that can provide excellent growth and earning potential, as well as satisfy that longing for independence.
Time to Sell your Restaurant? Some Advice from Restaurant Consultants, Inc.As a specialist in getting restaurants open, it is surprising how many people ask, "How can I get out of my restaurant?" Reasons for this question vary greatly, from a death in the family to a merger with another firm, to the end of a lease.Selling your restaurant requires quality prior planning if you are going to realize the maximum value for the business.
Forming a Corporation - InvestorsYou've come up with the best idea since sliced bread, figured out a business name and formed a corporation. There is, however, one small problem.
Small Business Opportunities Magazine BusinessA Small Business Opportunities Magazine is one of the new small business opportunities opening up everyday. More and more companies are looking to outsource for basic services, cutting their budgets in the process and increasing profits.
13 Steps to Protect Yourself from Your BankThe success of your business is critically dependent on how well you negotiate and manage your financial partners. Banks, investors, credit cards and financial services companies work for you.
More Articles from Small Business Information: MORE RESOURCES: News provided by Yahoo! News and Google News Small Business Column: Time for Irish SMEs to take advantage Small Biz in a Digital Age: Analytics - Know Your Options - GoLocal Worcester SurePayroll Small Business Scorecard(R): Small Businesses on the Hunt for New Hires GST burden killing small business Small Biz Breakfast : Technology Trends and How They Are& - HamletHub Pair launch equity crowdfunding platform for small-biz owners - Crain's Detroit Business Samuel Adams Brewing the American Dream Hosts Speed Coaching for Phoenix's Small Business Community Lt. Governor on pro-business legislation: 'We're on the cusp of changing our ... - Albuquerque Business First Mayor makes another vow to cut small-biz red tape - Crain's New York Business (blog) |
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Taking Stock Back when I owned an inventory-based business, one of my better customers had a clever barb in his repertoire. If we were out of anything he needed in his order, he would say "You know, this would be a great place to open a supply house. Advertising - For Small Businesses (Part 2) How to do itPeople skim through newspapers and magazines and they aren't necessarily looking for information on products or services (unless they're reading the classifieds) It's therefore absolutely vital that your advertisement grabs their attention and encourages them to read more. Many ads are designed merely to create awareness of a product or service, however, small to medium size businesses need a result. Patient Records - Your Responsibilities As a practise gets larger & larger the associated problems that you inherit increase with that growth. The Practise Manager finds it increasingly difficult to tend to his duties and look after the administration of the Practise. Starting an Aircraft Washing Service To wash an airplane there are many items you will need to keep in mind. The first is safety while working on the tarmac of an airfield. Coping with change If I had $1.00 every time I heard someone say " I don't like change or, change makes me uncomfortable" I'd be a millionaire. Equipment Maintenance Manual for Mobile Cleaning Business Outline Service Cleaning Businesses must maintain their equipment in order to insure it is ready to go when the company vehicles reach their customer. It does not matter how many service vehicles or employees you have, a manual can save you both time and money. Creating a Power Plan Part of the power plan is making sure you have all the necessary contact information within a company. It is one thing to have the CEO's information, as he is the decision-maker, but it is quite another to have the information on others that you may be working with directly. How to Get Started As A Government Contractor Becoming a contractor or sub-contractor for the U.S. Creating a Paperless Office When working from home, it is usual to find that you have your office in an area that is not very big, such as a box room or even in the corner of the kitchen. When your business really takes off, you will begin to discover that your work area starts to get swamped by paperwork and that you are running out of storage space. Using Business Broker In the Franchising Industry for Franchise Sales Franchising companies often use Business Broker to help attain sales goals. Here is an interesting fact. Small Business Checks - Money Saving Options When you go into business for yourself, there are many things to consider. What you don't want to worry about is spending too much money on unnecessary items. Are You Really the Boss in Your Own Business? I recently met with a very successful magazine publisher who was telling me how a chain of retailers for his magazines wanted everything their own way, even at the expense of losing revenue for their stores and missing out on the opportunity to provide real customer service to the customer.He was mainly concerned that some of the members of this chain, which, was made up of basically "mum & dad" store owners honestly thought that as it was their business, no one else should ask them to do anything over and above what they wanted to do. Does Your Small Business Marketing Suffer From The Bulldog Effect? If you're an entrepreneur responsible for your own small business marketing, there's a marketing method you should avoid at all costs, which I've coined the bulldog effect for reasons you will understand shortly. Keep reading to find out if you're guilty of using this technique in your own marketing and learn how to fix it. Cleaning Service Stations with a Pressure Washer Fuel prices these days are quite high and they take their toll on a service business. It is time to strike back. How to Manage Your Pipeline How is your pipeline structured?I assume most of you have heard about the sales pipeline. Your pipeline is what keeps your business going. 1 Overlooked Key to Small Business Success Is this you?You dreamed of owning your own business, doing what you love and enjoying unlimited earning potential. You researched. Lack of Vigilance Can Harm the Bottom Line The easiest way to lift profits is to cut the fat out of costs.Cost cutting and profit increases can amount to much the same thing if handled correctly. Power Tools for Business How do we keep track of our business deals?If you are only working with one or two deals, keeping track of them is a simple matter. However, most of us have far more than two deals on the plate and even more coming down the pipeline. More Business Card Marketing If you are worried about how many different business cards you should carry, let me speak from experience, you need only ONE!The best way to confuse a potential customer is to present them with more than one business card. You may be doing a number of things and have cards for each one (even have several businesses where you do work) but you need to focus on what it is that you do best. Postcard Marketing - Low Cost Visibility You need to be visible to attract customers, right? But how do you get that visibility when you're short on cash? Here's an idea that's worked for many businesses. It's postcard marketing, and it's very affordable. ![]() |
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