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Fleet Washing Operations Manual Sample Outline
In the Truck Washing Business every single type of vehicle is washed differently. If you are going to run a mobile onsite fleet washing business with multiple trucks in multiple cities you will in fact need a comprehensive manual to keep your crews and equipment running at an optimum. Below you will see a sample outline to assist you in constructing a washing procedure manual, which will include many different types of fleet vehicles. Feel free to print this outline and modify it to include all the types of fleets you expect to be washing, cross off those you either do not care to wash or feel you may never be asked to wash by current or future customers. Once your outline is completed and modified write up four paragraphs for each type of vehicle using your vast knowledge. After completing this exercise you will find your rough draft of fleet washing procedures is nearly 20 pages long. Now type this up and format your document for double spacing and think and remember when you last washed each type of vehicles and how you maximized your time, what you did right and the mistakes you had made, be sure to put bullets by the positive methods and warnings by the mistakes. Next find some graphics on CDROM or on the Internet and then you will be able turn your hard work into a near perfect manual, to distribute to each manager and crew team leader in your company. I. FLEET WASHING PROCEDURES A. Trucks (Exterior) 1. Soaping 2. Wheels 3. Grease 4. Gas Tanks 5. Undercarriage 6. Brakes 7. Front Axles 8. Bugs 9. Top 10. Back Of Cab 11. Safety B. Trailers (Exterior) 1. Backs 2. Fronts 3. Sides Of Top 4. Sides 5. Wheels 6. License Plate 7. Bobcats 8. Cleanouts (Boxes) C. Buses (Exterior) 1. Fronts 2. Tops 3. Backs 4. Advertising Signs 5. Ribs And Lines 6. Windows 7. Wheels 8. Leaking 9. School Buses 10. RTD 11. Charter Buses 12. Tour Buses D. Limousines (Exterior) 1. Soaping 2. Tires 3. Whitewalls 4. Rinsing 5. Chrome E. Limousines (Exterior) 1. Vacuuming 2. Windows 3. Carpet Spots 4. Fragrance 5. Counters F. Delivery Vans/Step Sides 1. Ford, Dodge, Chevy 2. Step Sides 3. Soaping 4. Rinsing 5. Logos 6. Drying G. Gas Trucks 1. Perfection 2. Cost 3. Reclamation 4. Soaps 5. Overview H. Garbage, Refuse Trucks 1. Soaping 2. Grease/Fires 3. Image 4. Handles 5. Turco Products 6. City Yards I. Sanitation (Pump) Trucks 1. EPA Laws 2. Triple Traps 3. About Water 4. Soaping 5. Rinsing 6. Etc. J. Sod Trucks, Equipment Haulers, Flatbeds 1. Blasting Mud 2. Soaping Beds 3. Cleaning Tops 4. Water Usage 5. Messy Proposition 6. Time factors 7. Rinsing Quickly 8. Dirt yards K. Taxis 1. Windows 2. Quick Washes 3. Vacuuming L. Rent-A-Cars 1. Efficiency 2. Dirty Windows Only 3. Dash Swipe 4. Carpet Stains 5. Trash 6. Quick Wash 7. Time Constraints M. Police Cars 1. Under Seats 2. Radio's, Dusting 3. Windows 4. Light Bars (Bugs) 5. Mud 6. Back Seats 7. Black (In Sun) N. Federal Express 1. Nightly 2. Trash 3. Windows 4. Arm Rests 5. Sticky Glue 6. Decals 7. Back Doors 8. Behind Wheels O. Armored Cars 1. Door Handles 2. Interiors 3. Windows 4. Bugs 5. Tires P. Automobile Transport Trailers 1. Vinyl Sides 2. Steel Braces 3. Hydraulic Oils 4. Tire Tracks 5. Safety 6. Time Commitment Q. Tow Trucks 1. Beds 2. Grease 3. Handles 4. Chrome 5. Aluminum 6. Booms 7. Light Bars 8. Decals 9. Windows 10. Etc. R. Exterminator Trucks 1. Bed 2. Chemicals 3. Headaches 4. Exterior 5. Soaping 6. Etc. S. Cable Company Trucks 1. Beds 2. Soaping 3. Tool Boxes 4. Etc. T. Catering Trucks 1. Screens 2. Vents 3. Drying 4. Counters 5. Interiors 6. Etc. U. Cement Trucks 1. Muratic Acid 2. Dirt/Mud 3. Undercarriage 4. Etc. V. Driving Schools 1. Windows 2. Quick Washes 3. Passenger Seat 4. Etc. W. Moving And Storage Companies 1. Forty-Eight Foot Boxes 2. Wheels 3. Fronts/Backs 4. Twelve Foot Tall "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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